
Goal Tracker

Get it now for $9

Evaluate your life areas, create a vision, manage your goals and track your progress with the Goal Tracker!


Goal Tracker Notion Template

The Goal Tracker template is the perfect tool for managing your goals and annual resolutions.


Goal Management

  • Set and manage goals for each of your essential life areas

  • Create an action plan by breaking each goal into milestones.

  • If applicable, establish metrics to define your target results.

  • Monitor the progress you have made towards your goals.

Areas & Vision

  • Identify your essential Life Areas and track your overall progress in each one.

  • Complete your annual Wheel of Life assessment for each life area and generate ideas for new goals

  • Plan your annual resolutions

  • Create your overall life vision and individual vision statements for each life area

  • Develop a vision board for inspiration and to help stay focused on achieving your goals

Get the Goal Tracker today and embark on your journey towards achieving your goals!