Get it now for $19Save much precious time & money with this Cashflow Planner. It's all you need to manage your personal finance.
Keep track of:
- where your money is coming from↩️
- where your money is going↪️
- & how much you are saving.
Save much precious time & money with this Cashflow Planner.
"So, what does it do?"
Well, it -
Automatically calculates your
✅ Total savings by year (eg. 2024, 2025)
✅ Total savings by month (eg. Jan 2024, Feb 2024)
✅Tracks your bank account balance and automatically calculates it's growth (%).
✅Compares your Income VS Expense side by side.
✅Calculates how much (%) of your income goes to savings and spending.
(Includes 17+ automated calculations)
Use code 'OCTOBER' at checkout for an extra 20% off. Valid only till October 31st.
Plan for the future with assurance, knowing you are on the right track with this planner.
Grab the planner now!

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