Notion Journaling Astrological Notebook

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Dive deep into your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs with tailored journaling prompts that guide you on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic insight.


Unlock the power of the stars with this Astrological Notebook! Dive deep into your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs with tailored journaling prompts that guide you on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic insight.

With this 3-step tool, you can let your ideas flow and immerse yourself in the benefits of journaling and astrology.

This template includes:

  • 100 Prompts or questions related to your sun, moon, and rising sign.

  • A timer to track your writing time.

  • Monthly summary of your progress.

With the code 100ASTROLOGYNOTEBOOK you get 100% of the template for free, but If you’d like to support my work by paying for this template, remove the coupon code on the Checkout :)